Course-Integrated Library Instruction

The library can offer your students hands-on instruction on how to use the library's databases if you advise the library of the assignment in advance. This instruction can cover basic or advanced techniques, or it can serve as a refresher.

Also, we can work with you to add library related content into your Canvas courses. Examples include library video tutorials, links to relevant resources and services.  Request course-integrated library instruction

Research Consultation with a Librarian

The library can help you identify relevant databases for your project, perform advanced searches, design effective searches, or set up alerts. Request a research consultation with a librarian

Ask Us!

We are available via chat, text, and email for quick help with a reference question.  Ask a question

The library can assist faculty in obtaining books, journal articles, and other materials that we do not own or provide access to. Articles are emailed as a PDF with two to five business days. 

 Request form

For more information, please call the Oakland Library Circulation Desk 510.879.9290 or email us at

Selective dissemination of information (SDI) is a service by which you're automatically emailed updates to a pre-established literature search. This is useful if you want to stay current on a particular topic. This service can be set up with: ProQuest (ProQuest Nursing Journals, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses), EBSCOHost (Alt Health Watch, Medline with Full-Text, CINAHL Plus, ERIC, or PsycINFO), Ovid (Medline, Full-Text Journals), The Cochrane Library, and PubMed. To subscribe to this service, email us at

Faculty are encouraged to recommend the acquisition of books, journals, and films that support your courses and the broader mission of the University.

Request a purchase form

SMU faculty have access to an institutional subscription to The Teaching Professor.

"Published 10 times per year, The Teaching Professor is a lively, practical newsletter with a singular purpose: to provide ideas and insights to educators who are passionate about teaching. This is a newsletter that anticipates issues and addresses them as they are coming to the fore. It also evaluates existing educational practices and tools to help you choose strategies most likely to work for your courses, students, and institution. It is a comprehensive professional development resource. Each issue explores the topics that you confront every day in the classroom. It raises the questions on everyone’s minds, and it presents solutions that just about anyone can use regardless of discipline or type of institution."

Instructions for creating an account are available on the library's Sharepoint page. Contact us if you have any questions.

SMU Faculty Publications

Pubmed Articles

CINAHL Articles


SMU Copyright Policy
It is the intent of Samuel Merritt University to comply with the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code, Sect. 101, et seq.). The University directs faculty, staff, and students to refrain from copying copyrighted works unless the action is authorized by: (a) specific exemptions in the copyright law, (b) the principle of Fair Use, or (c) licenses or written permission from the copyright owner. The Director of the John A. Graziano Memorial Library shall provide guidelines to ensure compliance with the law.

Fair Use & Copyright Guidelines
These guidelines for use in teaching apply to resources the Library doesn't own or subscribe to, including resources acquired via interlibrary loan:

  • No more than two articles from a single journal issue
  • No more than three articles from a single journal title in a five-year span
  • No more than two chapters from a book or 15/% of the total book, whichever is less

For more information check out the Copyright on Campus Guide