Create Community Education Video Resources

Plan your video 

  1. Plan your recordings  (see best practices for recording videos.) 
  2. Determine what device and app you’ll use for recording:
    1. Video / audio (straight up talk, demonstration – with Panopto or Quicktime, or mobile device video recorder, or other device)
    2. Video / audio + PPT (with Panopto)
    3. Audio + PPT (with Panopto)
  3. Consider using a mobile device and native apps for recording.
  4. Determine where you'll store the videos temporarily.
  5. Determine where you'll store the videos permanently.
  6. Consider how and who will need access to the video.

Steps for producing your video

  1. Record (multiple) video clips in your computer or mobile device. 
  2. Move video clips to a folder in your device.
  3. Edit videos with the app of your choice (Apple iMovie or Clips, and Windows Movie Maker are free).
  4. Export the video to the MP3 format to retain the best possible resolution.
  5. Upload the final video in Panopto.
  6. Access the video for live presentations, or share the video link.

Resources for recording video and screen capture on your computer

  1. QuickTime (screen recording) (Mac only)
    1. Record
    2. Trim videos (beginning & end).
    3. Use iMovie to edit video "project".
    4. Export movie in "MP4" format and provide file to agency for sharing.
  2. SnagIt (PC only)
    1. Record
    2. Trim videos (beginning & end).
    3. Use Sngit to edit video "project".
    4. Export movie in "MP4" format and provide file to agency for sharing.
  3. Camptasia (Mac or PC)
    1. Record
    2. Trim videos (beginning & end).
    3. Use Camptasia to edit video "project".
    4. Export movie in "MP4" format and provide file to agency for sharing.
  4. Panopto for Mac or PC
    1. Download the Panopto Recorder app.
    2. Configure the Panopto recorder settings for your recording.
    3. Record the video session.
    4. Upload the recoding to the Panopto [Assignments] folder for the course.
    5. Edit the video in Panopto.
    6. Determine how you'll store and share the video.