Contact Us
Looking for information about Samuel Merritt University? We’re here to help. Whether you have questions about admissions, student services, employment at SMU, or want to reach one of our departments, you’ve come to the right place.
One-Stop Student Services Hub
3100 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94609
2710 N. Gateway Oaks Dr., Suite 360
Sacramento, CA 95833
1720 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402
Oakland Campus
Sacramento Campus
San Francisco Peninsula Campus
Fresno Campus
Please see our Departmental Directory for a full list of departments with contact information.
For students in Texas enrolled in online programs: If after going through the University’s procedures, a student still wants to file a complaint with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), they should go to the THECB student complaints website. Forms and a description of the student complaint process can be found there.
For students in Connecticut in online programs: Student complaints can be directed to the Connecticut Office of Higher Education website.
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