Access Services
The Facilities Department is responsible for SMU ID Badge and key distribution, and for administering access to SMU facilities and parking areas.
New students will receive their SMU ID Badge during their program's new student orientation (more info below).
New faculty and staff will be issued their SMU ID Badge during their new hire orientation organized by the Office of People and Culture.
Please visit the Badging Office during office hours to obtain a replacement badge. If you work or attend class at the Fresno, Sacramento, or San Francisco Peninsula Campus, please inform the administrative office that you need a replacement badge. Your replacement badge will be issued within one business day of receipt of the request.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to wear their badges at all times while at SMU. Students, faculty, and staff are not allowed to enter a secured area by using another person's badge or piggybacking (e.g. following an individual or group that has their badge(s). To help ensure the safety and security of our campus communities, our badging policy will be strictly enforced.
All lost, stolen or misplaced badges should be reported immediately to the Badging Office for security concerns. Replacing an SMU ID Badge is subject to a $5 fee.
Health Education Center
400 Hawthorne Ave. Rm. 217
Oakland, CA 94609
510.879.9200 Ext. 7305
Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Congratulations on being accepted to SMU.
To get you started on the right foot, we need a little help from you so we can have you SMU ID Badge ready to go for your first day. Your SMU ID Badge will be used to access campus buildings, classrooms, offices, and clinical settings, so it is an integral part of your experience.
Using the guidelines below, please submit your photograph to badging@samuelmerritt.edu at least 30 days prior to your orientation (unless another deadline is provided) to ensure that your ID badge is ready for you.
The Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Parking Services Department is committed to providing safe, reliable, convenient parking for students, faculty, staff, and visitors at the SMU Oakland Campus.
Parking and Transportation Office
3100 Summit St. (South Pavilion), Ground Level, Rm. G615.
Mon-Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:00 p.m. to 1 p.m.).
*The Parking and Transportation Office only accepts cash or check*
Payment Methods
SMU's Fresno, Sacramento, and San Francisco Peninsula campuses have free parking on site.