
The Ethnic Health Institute will be a national model for university and community-based partnerships that promote health equity for underserved and ethnic community members; and prepare and support SMU students to serve diverse communities, impact health equity, and increase workforce diversity.

What We Do

EHI works collaboratively to bridge SMU students, faculty, and staff with diverse community members and the organizations that serve them; aligning opportunities for learning and service to the community. 

Our advisory board is made up of health care and academic professionals who advise and support EHI’s efforts and goals. 

Dr. John Simmons, Jr., EHI Advisory Board Chair & retired oncologist 

Leslie Brown, Community Health Benefit Manager, Kaiser Permanente 

Dr. Erica Browne, Senior Program Officer, The Kresge Foundation 

Meg Bowerman, Retired RN

Dr. Donna White Carey, Medical Director of Case Management, Alameda Alliance for Health 

Mildred Crear, Co-founder, Bay Area Black Nurses’ Association; Former EHI Health Ministries Chair and Co-Chair

Reygan E. Cunningham, Co-Director, California Partnership for Safe Communities 

Dr. Glenda Newell-Harris, MD, Regional Medical Director, YesCare 

Gloria Harmon, Retired hospital administrator

Bessanderson McNeil, Contra Costa County liaison for EHI & retired Hypertension educator/researcher 

Dr. Frank Staggers, Jr., Medical Director, Berkeley Addiction Treatment Services Center & Westside Community Services Narcotic Treatment Program 

The Ethnic Health Institute has developed the following health education materials:

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Medi-Cal Eligibility

These resources are available in multiple languages including Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, and Chinese.

If you are interested in accessing these documents, please fill out this request form. 


See April 2023 Newsletter here 

See the May 2023 Newsletter here 

See the Winter 2023 Newsletter here

See the Spring 2024 Newsletter here 

Local Community Outreach

Check out this video featuring our community work.


SMU student provides free blood pressure screening to community member

Community Partnerships

EHI takes pride in being a trusted partner with community organizations. These collaborations are rooted in a common goal to serve our most vulnerable communities.

  • Hypertension and Wellness Sunday: In partnership with various faith-based communities, SMU students and faculty lead health education activities and blood pressure screenings at this annual event held in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
  • Multicultural Wellness Walks: With the East Bay Regional Parks District, EHI brings community members together to connect with natural resources, engage in physical activity, practice stress management, and foster  social interaction into daily living.
Student and community members after completing walking program

Service and Learning

EHI recognizes the importance of service and learning. For SMU students, we are dedicated to providing meaningful learning experiences outside of the classroom. We uphold a dedication to creating continuous learning opportunities for all communities. Our service and learning initiatives include:

  • Steps to Bridging the Gap: In partnership with Alameda County Public Health Department and Roots Community Health Center, SMU students and faculty lead walking programs, providing physical activity education and support for community members managing diabetes.
  • School-Based:  EHI connects SMU with local students to increase awareness of healthcare careers and university programs, support career attainment for local youth, and address the importance of workforce diversity in healthcare. Through panel discussions and other outreach events, SMU community members  provide guidance for pursuing higher education in the healthcare field.
  • Healthcare Professionals Symposium: This  professional development day is offered to external and SMU communities.  This event gathers thought leaders in health and academia to share innovative ideas, research, and best practices for current and future healthcare professionals.
  • Caregivers Symposium: In collaboration with community-based and healthcare organizations, this event provides education, support and resources to meet the needs of family members caring for loved ones. 



Community Engagement Support

EHI is committed to supporting SMU students, faculty, and staff interested in
engaging with community; which may include getting 
involved with EHI initiatives, exploring community and volunteer opportunities, or brainstorming ideas of how to serve diverse communities. With experience in community collaborations, the EHI team is available to support planning, organizing, and logistics for implementing community engagement eforts. Previous activities include:

  • 99 Minutes of Neuro: In collaboration with the SMU Department of Basic Sciences and Oakland Unified School District, SMU students create and provide presentations and hands-on activities designed to increase brain awareness and function for health pathway high school students.
  • Community Learning Forum: Working with founding SMU faculty to organize, implement, and expand the health lecture series currently held at Allen Temple Baptist Church. This program provides opportunities for SMU faculty to impact community health by providing free health education.