Can a Mobile, Digital Device Support Student Success?
There are many digital applications to download onto an iPad that can facilitate a student’s attainment of learning outcomes. Among other benefits, these applications provide effective and efficient ways to communicate, collaborate, and create - hallmarks of active student engagement that foster learning and overall success. Collecting the evidence we use as Success Measures is also greatly facilitated by the use of a powerful and versatile tablet device. Members of our C2S team collaborate with faculty, staff, and students to determine which digital applications are included on the SMU iPad given to each student and faculty, always keeping student success as the primary goal.
We are proud to be joining the growing number of higher education institutions who have structured institutional learning initiatives that incorporate iPad technology and situate the initiative within the context of the university’s approach to learning. This is why we have positioned our 1:1 iPad initiative under CIEL, a place where the C2S vision can be developed to full fruition.
A major impetus for establishing C2S is the goal to ensure digital equity among students. That is, to maximize support of every student’s success by placing a common, powerful digital device and technology platform in the hands of each student. Recognizing that students enter our academic programs with variable skill levels in the use of digital tablets, we have the resources to provide training and individualized support throughout each person’s educational journey at SMU.