SMU Recognized by The New York Times for High-Earning Graduates

Samuel Merritt University (SMU) has been featured in a recent New York Times article titled "Report Helps Answer the Question: Is a College Degree Worth the Cost?" This recognition highlights our university's exceptional performance in the Higher Education Analysis (HEA), where our graduates have achieved median incomes exceeding $129,000 a decade after enrollment.
What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that SMU stands out among Ivy League schools, Stanford, and MIT in terms of post-enrollment earnings. While these highly recognized universities are often represented as top earners on the list, their median income is at least $90,000 a decade after enrollment -- $40,000 less than the median income of SMU graduates. Our focus on nursing and health sciences education has set a high standard for success, with SMU graduates earning the highest median incomes nationwide.
Exploring the full HEA dataset on their website provides valuable insights into the return on investment of an SMU degree.