Kamya Nearly Died from a Medical Error. In the Aftermath, She Decided to Become a Nurse

By Jim Muyo

Kamya Cook, BSN ’19, nearly died after the birth of her daughter. The trauma triggered a desire in her to care for others, especially moms and children. 

She’ll graduate in December and has received several scholarships without which she might never have finished.

You’re in the BSN program. Is there a specialty you’re interested in? 
On any given day I am torn between maternity, NICU, and cardiac care nursing. With graduation right around the corner, I don’t know which specialty I’ll choose, but I am excited to embark on this new journey. 

Why nursing? 
In 2011, my daughter was born preterm at 21 weeks, five days. The hospital that delivered my child left me in stage three labor—placenta still inside of me—for two weeks and somehow, I managed to keep my life. I decided to turn my pain into a beautiful happy ending and get into nursing school. Eight years later, I am making that dream come true. 

Scholarships changed everything for you. How so? 
I have scholarship assistance to thank for my upcoming graduation this December. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for the donors, I don't know if I would have been financially able to continue in the program. My credit is not the best and without a family member or close friend with better credit, I was out of luck with getting any additional money to cover tuition expenses. I am more than appreciative for the people who decided to give back to less fortunate people so they can live out their dreams.

count me in for #GivingTuesday