As a teenager, Caroline Ko DPM ’19 attended a prestigious international school in Shanghai with classmates whose parents were the leaders of multinational corporations and who lived with nannies...
While studying for her doctorate in physical therapy, Katheryne Tang DPT ’19 found time for international volunteer work and community service. In the days before she walks across the stage to receive...
When Samuel Merritt University (SMU) student Juan Ceja Solorio leaves for the U.S.-Mexican border today to help prepare for a medical service trip, his experience with his own family will not be far from his mind.
Samuel Merritt University’s (SMU) community partnerships offer students an opportunity to help people with limited access to healthcare while also sharpening their clinical skills so they will become more confident caregivers.
We were limited to what we could bring across the border: stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, pen lights, thermometers, ophthalmoscopes, limited medications, the knowledge SMU equipped us with, and each other.