Dr. Sharon Gorman

Sharon Gorman

Department Chair Professor Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist Fellow, National Academies of Practice PT, DPTSc

Programs and Courses Taught

Doctor of Physical Therapy
PT 720 Evidence-based Practice Seminar
PT 744 Health Systems and Regulatory Aspects of Physical Therapy

About Me

I have been a physical therapist for more than 30 years with expertise in acute care physical therapy. My research interests are varied, currently I have projects investigating simulation training, curricular enhancements, and acute care preparation.

I am a board-certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist and work clinically in acute care as a Senior Physical Therapist at Kaiser Walnut Creek Medical Center.


I received my Doctor of Science degree in Physical Therapy at University of California/San Francisco State University, a Master of Science in Health Science at San Francisco State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from Mt. St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles. I am board certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a Geriatric Clinical Specialist and also hold advanced certification and training in assessment and treatment of vestibular disorders and in neurodevelopmental treatment approaches for adults with hemiplegia. I am a Distinguished Practitioner and Fellow of the National Academies of Practice, whose mission is “advancing interprofessional healthcare by fostering collaboration and advocating policies in the best interest of individuals and communities.”

Teaching Interests

My primary teaching interests are in acute care, neurologic physical therapy, geriatrics, and global health. I love to integrate simulation-based learning activities into courses whenever possible. 

Scholarly Interests

My long-term research focus is exploring the psychometric properties of the Function In Sitting Test (FIST), a measure of sitting balance I created. Learn more about the FIST at http://www.samuelmerritt.edu/fist.

Other SMU DPT faculty and I are investigating the development of student confidence in acute care physical therapy over the second year in the DPT program. This research will describe the role of simulation, clinical placements, and course work over 2 trimesters, and will inform teaching/learning activities in classes at SMU.

Other projects at SMU circle around curricular changes we have implemented including our human movement model, clinical readiness examination sequence, and restructured integrated clinical experience course. 

I have active collaborations with PTs outside SMU include exploration of financial stress in DPT & PTA students and new graduates. We are doing a first of its kind review of issues outside of educational debt to better inform PT programs in this area to benefit students. 

I am involved with systematic assessment of the newly developed Simulation Instructor Training for Rehabilitation Professionals (SITReP) sponsored by ACAPT with colleagues outside of SMU. We will assess the pilot offering of the program, suggest adjustments, and follow up with participants at 1-year to see what changes in their simulation skills and use has changed. 


  • Quiben M, Greenwood KC, Gorman SL, Bradford J, et al. Simulation-based education in physical therapist education: perspectives from the Strategic Initiative Panel on Simulation in Physical Therapy Education. Phys Ther. 2022;101(12). 
  • Stockert, B, Macauley K, Bradford J, Gorman SL, et al. Simulation-based education in physical therapist education: a survey of current practice. Phys Ther. 2022;101(12).
  • Stockert B, Silberman N, Rucker J, Bradford J, Gorman SL, et al. Simulation-based education in physical therapist education: a scoping review of the literature. Phys Ther. 2022;101(12).
  • Birkmeier M, Garske H, Gorman SL, Wolff-Burke M, Richards H, Bureau MR, Wheeler E. Feasibility of Use of the Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool (CIET) in Full-Time Clinical Education Experiences. J Phys Ther Edu. 2022;36(3):263-271.
  • Mayer KP, Norris T, Kumble S, Gorman SL, Ohtake PJ. Acute care physical therapy practice analysis identifies need for a core outcome measurement set. J Acute Care Phys Ther. 2021;12(4):150-157.
  • Schroeder S, Gorman SL. Decreased balance and injury risk in adolescent baseball pitchers. Orthop Phys Ther Prac. 2018;30(3):156-159.
  • Lewis CB, Quiben M, Gorman SL. Chapter 17 Making a plan: get out of that bed and chair! In: Lewis CB, Gray DL, Huber GM, eds. Physical Therapy for the Older Adult: Examination and Intervention: An Evidence Based Approach. Philadelphia, PA:Wolters Kluwer;2017:721-748.
  • Gorman SL, Harro C, Platko C, Greenwald C. Measuring change in inpatient rehabilitation: responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of the Function In Sitting Test. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(12):2304–2311.
  • Ryan JM, Gorman SL. How clinical reasoning can and should impact interprofessional communication to address behaviors that hinder acute care practice. J Acute Care Phys Ther. 2014;5(1):18-29.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

Professional Associations:

  • APTA Acute Care 
  • APTA Academy of Education
  • APTA Geriatrics
  • Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy
  • APTA Academy of Leadership and Innovation 
  • National Academies of Practice, Physical Therapy Academy 

Current Leadership Positions:

  • Delegate to the American Physical Therapy Association House of Delegates, California Physical Therapy Association
  • California Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference Task Force

Community Service

Hands for Global Health, Board of Directors & founding board member
Health Volunteers Overseas
Editorial Review/Peer Reviewer:

  • Physical Therapy 
  • Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Elite Reviewer)
  • Journal of Physical Therapy Education
  • Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy
  • Simulation Scenario Library 
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care

Honors & Awards

  • 2023  Irion Award for Best Research Article, Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, "Acute Care Physical Therapy Practice Analysis Identifies Need for a Core Outcome Measurement Set,"
  • 2017  Physical Therapy Alumni of the Year, UCSF/SFSU Physical Therapy Program
  • 2012  Acute Care Lecture Award, APTA Acute Care
  • 2006 & 2010  James Dunleavy Distinguished Service Award, APTA Acute Care
  • 2009 Distinguished Achievement Award for Academic Excellence, SFSU College of Health and Human Services
  • 2006  Adopt-A-Doc Award, Section on Geriatrics, APTA