Richard MacIntyre
Professor PhD, RNPrograms and Courses Taught
N460 Quality, Safety, & Leadership I; N464 QSL II; N466 QSL III; N468 QSL IV
About Me
Life began at 18 when I moved to Santa Barbara, majoring in English literature and beaches at UCSB. A falling out with my parents over religion and sexuality led me to take a job as an orderly at Cottage Hospital, and then the RN program at SBCC. After graduation, I moved to San Francisco, joined Children's Hospital SF as a staff nurse and later McAuley Neuropsychiatric Institute at St. Mary's Hospital and Children's Hospital, Oakland, as a nursing supervisor. I joined SMU just before the AIDS pandemic started, co-founded the Nurses Coalition on AIDS, the west coast precursor of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and worked part time as a hospice nurse. Patricia Benner and Wiilliam Holzemer guided me through a PhD and a post-doc in HIV-AIDS Nursing at UCSF. My first sabbatical was a Fulbright fellowship at the University of Tromsø, Norway. In 1998 I left Samuel Merritt University become the founding Division Chair for Health Sciences at Mercy College in New York and held academic appointments at New York Medical College and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. I returned to Samuel Merritt University as Professor and Associate Dean in the School of Nursing in 2005 and completed a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellowship in 2009. I led the team that developed a new RN to BSN program grounded in Watson's Caring Science, launched the program, completed the six-month Caritas Coach Education Program intensive and certification as a HeartMath trainer. My second sabbatical begins in Fall 2019 and will focus on outcomes of the caring science framework in the RN to BSN program. My husband and I have spent 27 loving years together and we share 7 nieces and nephews and 7 grand nieces and nephews.
While all of my degrees are in nursing, my favorite subjects as a kid were history, literature and debate. An opportunity to teach the great books at St. Mary's College provided a grounding in the liberal arts that was of enormous value in my PhD program where I focused on philosophy and ethics to understand how HIV+ men in my community understood their own CD4 cell counts and treatment options before effective ARVs were available. I've been practicing Chi Gong, meditating, and reading authors like Eckhart Tolle, Ken Wilber, Daniel Siegel and Jean Watson to better understand the relationship between our hearts and minds.
Post-doctoral Fellow, International Center for HIV/AIDS Research and Clinical Training in Nursing, a WHO affiliate at UCSF PhD, UCSF, Nursing MS, UCSF, Nursing BS, Cal State Sacramento, Nursing AAS, Santa Barbara City College, Nursing
Teaching Interests
Developing heart-brain coherence and Caritas Consciousness; improving reading comprehension of research articles and scientific writing skills; supporting people and leading change, appreciating possibilities for transformation in dysfunctional systems. Also love the systems and tools that help us understand people (MBTI, Learning Type Measure, TKI, Enneagram, Moral Foundations).
Scholarly Interests
Caring Science (Caritas Coach), HeartMath (Certified HeartMath Trainer), Mindfulness-based stress reduction, MBTI (Certified Trainer)
MacIntyre, R., Wallace, J., D’Alfonso, J. (In review). An audacious vision to transform health care, one heart at a time. Nursing Administrative Quarterly
MacIntyre, R. (2019). Caritas processes & mindfulness-based stress reduction in an RN to BSN program. Nagano College of Nursing Bulletin, 21, 9-18. (invited)
MacIntyre, R. (2018). Caritas processes & mindfulness-based stress reduction in an RN to BSN program. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Japan Nursing and Welfare Society, 24(1), 48-60. ISSN 1344-4875. (invited)
Murray, T. A., MacIntyre, R. C., & Teel, C. S. (2011). An analysis of partnership performance: The St. Johns Mercy Medical Center—Saint Louis University School of Nursing Dedicated Education Unit Project. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(6), e58-e63. Doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.08.005.
Teel, C. S., MacIntyre, R. C., Murray, T. A., & Rock, K. (2011). Common themes in clinical education partnerships. Journal of Nursing Education, 50(7), 365-373.
Niederhauser, V., MacIntyre, R. C., Garner, C., Teel, C., & Murray, T. A. (2010). Transformational partnerships in nursing education. In The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, (pp. 404-408). Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
Niederhauser, V., MacIntyre, R. C., Garner, C., Teel, C., & Murray, T. A. (2010). Transformational partnerships in nursing education. NLN Perspectives. Nov/Dec, pp. 353-355.
Sellers, C., & MacIntyre, R. (2010). Legal and ethical concerns. In B. Swanson (Ed.). ANAC’s core curriculum for HIV/AIDS nursing (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
MacIntyre, R. C. (2010). Our patients: Heretics, believers, agnostics, and ecumenists. In G. K.
Chan, K. A. Brykczynski, R. E. Malone, & P. Benner (Eds.). Interpretive phenomenology in health care research (pp. 259-286). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau.
MacIntyre, R. C., Murray, T. A., Teel, C. S., & Karshmer, J. F. (2009). Five recommendations for pre-licensure clinical nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 447-453.
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
American Academy of Nursing
ANA California
International Association of Human Caring
Sigma Theta Tau International
Watson Caring Science Institute
Community Service
Senior Consultant, American Red Cross, National Office of Nursing and Health
Member, National Advisory Council for Nursing, Western Governors University
Member, American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender Health
Honors & Awards
Dean’s Appreciation Award for founding RN to BSN Program, 2014-2017.
Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellowship, 2006-2009.
Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, November 13, 2004.
Fulbright Award. University of Tromsø, Norway. 1996-1997.
Post-doctoral fellowship. International Center for HIV/AIDS Research and Clinical Training in Nursing, a World Health Organization Affiliate, San Francisco, CA, 1995-1996