
Kate Hayner

Department Chair Professor EdD, OTR/L

Programs and Courses Taught

Master & Doctor of Occupational Therapy

OCCTH 624/724 Conditions of Human Dysfunction 

OCCTH 629/729 (Lecture and Lab) Theory and Practice of Physical Dysfunction 

OCCTH 652/752 (Lecture and Lab) Advanced Leadership 

OCCTH 754 Capstone Implementation 

OCCTH 755 Capstone Report 

604/704 Integrated Seminar 4 

626/726 (Lab) Psychosocial Community lab

About Me

Kate Hayner has been teaching at SMU for 30 years, since the start of the Occupational Therapy Program. For 23 years she held the position as Department Chair. During her years at SMU Dr. Hayner developed the first Community Participant Lab on campus and subsequently developed a second pediatric Community Participant Lab. These labs have been a model that other departments at SMU and other OT programs in the US have used. Dr. Hayner has many areas of research interest:

1. Treatment of shoulder subluxation follow a CVA 

2. Constraint Induced Movement Therapy 

3. Best practices in clinical reasoning on the topic of balance 

4. Ankle ROM improvements and ADL function


1999 UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Doctor of Education degree in Counseling Psychology, May 1999. Dissertation title: Perceived and Actual use of Psychological Interventions by Occupational Therapists Evaluating and Treating Patients with Physical Disabilities. 

1990 EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS Master of Arts degree in General/Clinical Psychology, May 1990. Thesis title: A Study of the Relationship Between Improvement in Physical Status and Self-Esteem in Geriatric Patients. 

1986 WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy, June 1986. 

1986 WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Bachelor of Science degree in Behavioral Psychology, August, 1986.

Teaching Interests

1. Physical and Psychosocial Dysfunction Conditions 

2. Adult/Geriatric Interventions 

3. Pediatric Community Participant Lab 

4. Adult Community Participant Lab 

5. Psychosocial Community Participant Lab 

6. Leadership 

7. Research 

8. Theoretical Approaches to Treatment

Scholarly Interests

1. Treatment of shoulder subluxation follow a CVA 

2. Constraint Induced Movement Therapy 

3. Best practices in clinical reasoning on the topic of balance 

4. Ankle ROM improvements and ADL function


Chatterjee, S., Hayner, K., Arumugam,N., Goyal, M., Midha, D., Arora, A., Sharma, S., & Kumar, S. (2016). The California Tri-pull Taping Method in the Treatment of Shoulder Subluxation After Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The North American Journal of Medical Sciences, Apr; 8(4): 175–182. doi: 10.4103/1947-2714.179933 Peer Reviewed 

Hayner, K. (2012). Effectiveness of the California Tri-Pull Taping Method for Shoulder Subluxation Poststroke: A Single-Subject ABA Design. Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 727-736. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2012.004663 Peer Reviewed 

Hayner, K. (2011). Client Centered Therapy: How Does It Relate to What We Do as Practitioners and What Can We Do To Empower Our Client to Assure They Receive It? UC Berkeley Center on Aging Engaging Aging e-Newsletter, June, 2-4. 

Hayner, K., Gibson, G., & Giles, G. M. (2010). Research Scholars Initiative—Comparison of constraint-induced movement therapy and bilateral treatment of equal intensity in people with chronic upper-extremity dysfunction after cerebrovascular accident. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64, 528–539. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2010.08027 Peer Reviewed “Motivating Employees” Chapter in The OT Manager (eds. McCormack, Jaffe, & Goodman-Lavey) June 2003. Peer Reviewed Awareness of Psychological Issues and Actual Practices by Occupational Therapists Evaluating and Treating Patients with Selected Physical Disabilities” Dissertation Published with UMI’s Dissertation Abstract Database, 1999. “A Study of the Relationship Between Improvement in Physical Status and Self-Esteem in Geriatric Patients” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, 1990.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships



Community Service

Free treatment to clients post-stroke OTAC Chair of Bylaws, Policy, and Procedure Committee SMU university committee: Professional Development Committee Department Interview Committee Department Professional Behaviors Committee

Honors & Awards

2011 - American Occupational Therapy Conference, Research Initiative Scholars’ Award for manuscript published in AJOT: Comparison of constraint-induced movement therapy and bilateral treatment of equal intensity in people with chronic upper-extremity dysfunction after cerebrovascular accident 

2000 – Community Service Recognition for giving 111.75 hours of free OT services to individuals in the Oakland community. 

1999 – Certificate of appreciation for developing & implementing the first OT clinic at Samuel Merritt College 

1999 - Best Teacher of the Year, Samuel Merritt University 

1991 - Best Teacher of the Year, Samuel Merritt University