Domenique Hendershot Embrey
Assistant Professor OTD, MS OTR/LPrograms and Courses Taught
Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy
Human Occupational through the Lifespan OT619/719
Capstone Exploration OT 723
Capstone Development OT 735
Health Promotion and Wellness PT 745 – Lecture Advanced Clinical Practice
Pediatrics – Lecture Advanced Clinical Practice
Pediatrics – Lab Inter & Intraprofessional Communication Administration and Management
About Me
I have been an occupational therapist for 35 years and continue to fall in love with this profession. I have worked in diverse professional settings, including the neonatal intensive care, hospital based neuro and SCI rehabilitiation, community mental health and school based programs. I was a consultant to the CA School for the Deaf. I own a private practice and have completed advanced coursework in Neurodevelopmental treatment, fetal alcohol syndrome, feeding and HeartMath.
After completing a bachelors in psychology at UC Santa Cruz, I went to San Jose State University for my Master's in occupational therapy. After many years working as a clinician, I was fortunate enough to go back to school and I received my doctorate in occupational therapy from St. Catherine University in 2018.
Teaching Interests
I enjoy assisting students in exploring the many facets of occupational therapy and learning about where they can play a role. I teach a wide variety of courses in the OT department as well as a course within the PT department. I have a passion for interprofessional education and providing client centered services across the lifespan. I am proud that I have been able to include students in my last three professional presentations and that I was able to take a SMU OT student with me on a trip to India.
Scholarly Interests
My current research is in three main areas: 1) Identifying barriers to families accessing early intervention. 2) Promoting interprofessional and intraprofessional relationships that elevate OT 3) Identifying the experiences of private practice occupational therapists around accepting insurance for pediatric clients.
Developmental Disabilities Special Interest Section American Journal of Occupational Therapy Feb. 2020 Collaborative Development of a Social- Emotional Skills Development Curriculum for Early Childhood Education for Children who are Deaf Umphred, D. A., & Lazaro, R. T. (2020). Neurological rehabilitation. Elsevier Health Sciences. Chapter 28
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
American Occupational Therapy Association Occupational Therapy Association of California California Fieldwork Educators Association – Co Chair 2019-Fall 2023
Community Service
At Samuel Merritt, I am currently on the IPE Patient Safety and communication committee, the Center for Community Engagement Advisory Board and Faculty Affairs committee. In the OT profession, I am I am on the CFOT Ad Hoc Committee on Scholarship, the CBOT Ad Hoc committee on education, AOTA conference proposal reviewer, CFOT grant proposal reviewer and a liason between SMU and IZZI San Mateo and Rebuilding Together East Bay North.
Honors & Awards
Beemer Award 2023 • 2022 - California Educators of the Deaf Service Provider Award
SMU 2020 – Technology Grant • SMU 2019 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant
CFOT 2017 -J anice Matsutsuyu Scholarship