Andy Weyer
Associate Professor PT, DPT, PhDPrograms and Courses Taught
Doctor of Physical Therapy
PT 701: Capstone I: Introduction
PT 702: Capstone II: Exploration and Planning
PT 703: Capstone III: Implementation
PT 704: Capstone IV: Completion
PT 710: Clinical Foundations in Physical Therapy
PT 719: Physical Agents and Electrotherapy
PT 727: Neuroscience I
PT 729: Neuroscience III
PT 732: Pathology and Pharmacology I
PT 733: Pathology and Pharmacology II
PT 735: Exercise Prescription for Patients and Clients I
PT 756: Evidence-Based Practice II
About Me
I have taught in Doctor of Physical programs for the past decade as both an adjunct and core faculty member at various institutions across the country. I have a strong background in the basic sciences and enjoy helping students make connections between foundational anatomical and physiological concepts and clinical practice.
I enjoy running, watching baseball and basketball, traveling, cooking, and spending time with my wife and dog.
BS, Human Biology, Marquette University, 2008
DPT, Marquette University, 2010
PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2015
Teaching Interests
My primary teaching interests are in foundational neuroscience.
Over the course of my career, I've also taught courses in anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, evidence-based practice, and basic clinical skills.
Scholarly Interests
My research training is in foundational mechanisms of pain sensation. More recently I've entered the realm of neuroscience education and have served as an author and associate editor for a textbook on neuroscience-based fundamentals for rehabilitation.
- Weyer A. and Lundy-Ekman L. Neuroscience at the Cellular Level. In L. Lundy-Ekman (Ed.). Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 6e. 2022. Elsevier.
- Weyer A. and Lundy-Ekman L. Neural Communication: Synaptic and Extrasynaptic Transmission. In L. Lundy-Ekman (Ed.). Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 6e. 2022. Elsevier.
- Lundy-Ekman L and Weyer A. Peripheral Somatosensory System. In L. Lundy-Ekman (Ed.). Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 6e. 2022. Elsevier. Weyer A. and Lundy-Ekman L. Central Somatosensory System. In L. Lundy-Ekman (Ed.). Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 6e. 2022. Elsevier.
- Weyer A. and Lundy-Ekman L. Pain as a Symptom and a Disease. In L. Lundy-Ekman (Ed.). Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 6e. 2022. Elsevier.
- Galindo T, Reyna J, and Weyer A. Evidence for Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channel Contribution to Arthritis Pain and Pathogenesis. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2018 Oct 15; 11(4) pii: E105
- Moehring FM, Cowie AM, Menzel AD, Weyer AD, Grzybowski M, Arzua T, Geurts AM, Palygin O, and Stucky CL. Keratinocytes mediate touch sensation via ATP-P2X signaling. eLife. 2018;7:e31684.
- Weyer AD and Lehto SG. Development of TRPM8 antagonists to treat chronic pain and migraine. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2017 Mar 30; 10(2) pii: E37
- Lehto SG, Weyer AD, Youngblood BD, Zhang M, Yin R, Wang W, Teffera Y, Cooke M, Stucky CL, Schenkel L, Geuns-Meyer S, Moyer BD, Wild KD, and Gavva NR. Selective antagonism of TRPA1 produces limited efficacy in models of inflammatory- and neuropathic-induced mechanical hypersensitivity in rats. Mol. Pain. 2016 Nov 19;12 pii: 1744806916677761
- Weyer AD, Zappia KJ, Garrison SR, O’Hara CL, Dodge AK, and Stucky CL. Nociceptor sensitization depends on age and pain chronicity. eNeuro. 2016 Feb 8;3(1). pii: ENEURO.0115-15.2015
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
California Physical Therapy Association
American Physical Therapy Association