Alice Jacobs Vestergaard
Instructor EdDPrograms and Courses Taught
GENED 490: Humanities and the Human Condition
About Me
Dr. Alice Jacobs Vestergaard is an internationally published author, educator, and researcher who has over two decades of experience working with multicultural, multilingual, and multigenerational populations in diverse community and academic settings. She has had careers in both industry and higher education, and has lived and worked in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres serving marginalized populations. She has taught courses across the higher education landscape including community college, the California state university system, University of California, and several private colleges. She served on several community boards and committees in California including chair of the San Diego North Chamber of Commerce Health Committee where she led work force health initiatives, and access to care forums, and the American Lung Association Community Advisory Board. She is a recipient of the Syntex Labs Chairman’s Recognition Award for her ground –breaking work in disease management training for physicians in teaching hospitals, the VA, and HMO’s. Her specialty areas are immigrant health and gerontology where she is a leader in the emerging field of Domotics. In her free time, she is a musician and has traveled the globe in government sponsored cultural exchanges promoting peace and understanding through music.
Dr. Vestergaard has developed and implemented programs in the healing arts across the age span in multiple settings including schools, park and recreation departments, and healthcare systems. While at UCLA she participated in several world music and culture groups and played the Gadulka, in a Bulgarian music ensemble. She has studied and trained in world folk dance and is a certified Sign Chi Do instructor, Certified Caritas Coach through the Watson Caring Science Institute, a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, (MCHES,) and is interested in multicultural health practices.
Dr. Vestergaard has a diverse educational background which combines in depth study in both the humanities and healthcare/sciences. Called to be a teacher from a very young age, she has been and continues as a lifelong learner. She has taught “all ages and all stages” and is the holder of a California K-12 teaching credential in multiple subject areas, and the founding “birth mother of the Sierra Emeritus College for learners 55 and over – in addition to her higher education teaching experience. Part of her educational journey includes attending the gymnasiet in Lulea, Sweden (a town located close to the artic circle.)
Ed.D. Higher Education Health Care, Nova Southeastern University; MBA Marketing, National University; MS Health Science Teaching, San Francisco State University; MA Theater Arts, UCLA
Teaching Interests
Humanities and healthcare, Healing arts, Caritas, Neuroscience of change, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Health education across the lifespan, Healthcare communication, Community and public health.
Scholarly Interests
Resilience building and ACES in marginalized populations, gerontology, Sapientagogy, Domotics, gerotechnology, healthcare workforce diversification, community and public health, healing arts across the lifespan.
Vestergaard, J.A. (2022). Technology in the human services. Manuscript in Preparation.
Vestergaard, J.A. (2022). Crisis in the American workforce: The emotionally wounded worker. Manuscript in Preparation.
Nwankpa, U & Vestergaard. JA. (April, 2019). Application of Heart-Centered Classroom Practice to Promote Communitas. Poster session presented at the Samuel Merritt University Spring Scholarship Symposium, Oakland, CA.
Vestergaard. JA. (March, 2019). Nurses to Schools Corps: An innovative pilot community partnership for community health clinical placements in an RN to BSN program. Poster session presented at the DPHN Statewide Conference Sacramento, CA.
Vestergaard. JA. (May, 2018). Health and Healing in the Public Sector: Implementation of Caritas Processes in ACES Impacted Public Schools. Poster session presented at the International Association of Human Caring Conference Minneapolis, MN.
Vestergaard. JA. (October, 2017). Community Health Inter-programmatic clinical collaboration between pre-licensure and RN to BSN programs to plan, design, and implement a wellness room for ACE’s impacted middle school students. Poster session presented at the ICC Conference Palo Alto, CA.
Vestergaard, A. (2014). Forgetful? Memory enhancement is still possible as you age. ExpertBeacon. Retrieved from https://expertbeacon.com/forgetful-memory-enhancement-still-possible-you-age/#.Voto1Fl5KVL
Vestergaard, A.J. (2008). Senior program handbook. Rancho Cordova, CA: ALPHA Fund.
Vestergaard, J.A. (2005, February). Learning: It’s not just kid stuff anymore. Baby Boomer News. Sacramento, CA. Baby Boomer News, Inc.
Vestergaard, A.J. (2004, March). Tips to a better memory as you age. [Foundation Monthly Newsletter]. Fremont-Rideout Health Group Foundation.
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
Member, Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE)
Member, International Association of Human Caring (IAHC)
Member, ATD (American Society of Talent Development)
Member, Phi Gamma Sigma (National Honor Society in Education)
Member: California Gerontologists in Higher Education
Member: American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE status pending)
Community Service
Sacramento Faces for the Future Community Board Member, 2019 to present
Resilient Sacramento Board Member 2019, to present
Sacramento Shriners Hospital Entertainment Committee Member 2018 to present
Sacramento Promise Zone Health Sector Member, 2018 to present
Twin Rivers Housing Pre-School Community Advisory Board, 2018 to present
Capitol Pops Concert Band, Founder and Membership Committee, 1997 to present
Honors & Awards
Friend of Nursing Leadership Award, Association of California Nurse Leaders, February, 2020
Cornelius Hopper Diversity Excellence Award, Samuel Merritt University, February, 2019
Community Health Improvement Partners, Red White and Blue nominee, 2013
Spirit Award, American Cancer Society San Diego, 2010
Silver Award; National Health Information Awards Sponsored by the National Health Information Resource Center, 2008
2006 - Mature Media Award; From the Mature Market Resource Center. Sponsored by National Association of Area Agencies on Aging and the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry, 2006