Alex Duplantier
Director of Didactic Education Assistant Professor MPH, PA-CPrograms and Courses Taught
PA 603 Microbiology and Infectious Disease
PA 615/615L Physical Diagnosis, Course Coordinator
PA 620/621 Medicine I/II
PA 624 Geriatrics
PH 603 Environmental Health
About Me
Alex Duplantier MPH, PA-C is an Assistant Professor and Director of Didactic Education at Samuel Merritt University in the Physician Assistant Department. She has been a Physician Assistant (PA) since 1997 and a medical and PA educator since 2007. Her clinical experience includes Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease with Sutter Medical Group in the Sacramento area and the Solano County Health Department. She has an interest in the unique health needs of agricultural workers and received a National Rural Health Association Fellowship to provide Primary Care to migrant and seasonal farmworkers in rural Florida in 1997. She served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Haiti and Jamaica and continued to serve in Haiti as a United Nations Human Rights Observer during a time of political transition and as a PA at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital training traditional birth attendants. Prior to joining the faculty at Samuel Merritt University, she was Director of Clinical Education for the Physician Associate program at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland, Associate Professor at Touro University California for the Joint MSPA/MPH program and Senior Lecturer at the James Cook University School of Medicine and Dentistry in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. She is committed to bringing a unique and informed educational perspective to PA and Public Health students at SMU and is dedicated to the success of all students in the health professions.
Alex received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1987, earned a Bachelor of Science in Medicine from the University of Florida College of Medicine Physician Assistant Program in 1997 and a Masters in Public Health from the University of Hawai'i, Manoa School of Public Health in 1990.
Teaching Interests
Clinical reasoning, development of clinical judgement, infectious disease, geriatrics, innovative approaches to health professions education.
Scholarly Interests
Health Professions Education
Clerfond, A. Queensland Welcomes Physician Assistant at JCU Medical School. Australian Association for Academic General Practice Inc. Newsletter Vol 3 Issue 5, March 2007.
Murray, R., Clerfond, A., Forde, A., et al. The Relevance of the Physician Assistant Model to Health Care for Indigenous Australians. Discussion paper developed by Mount Isa Centre for Rural and Remote Health for Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council, June, 2008.
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
Community Service
Outreach and mentoring Pre-PA students
Honors & Awards
Touro University Joint MPAS/MPH Program Class of 2018 Teaching Award Touro University Joint MPAS/MPH Program Class of 2017 Teaching Award