Thu17Oct 2024

FREE Webinar: Estate Planning Basics & Beyond - Avoiding Litigation and Family Conflict

Virtual (Zoom)

FREE Webinar: Estate Planning Basics & Beyond - Avoiding Litigation and Family Conflict


Alan Statman, Esq. & Anne Marshall, Esq.,Trust Matters, Independent Fiduciary Services
Zakiya Norton, Esq., Norton Basu LLP


Thursday, October 17, 2024, 12-1 pm

Via Zoom – Registrants will be sent the link to attend

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Estate litigation is more common than you expect – you can avoid it and reduce the risk of family conflict if you choose the right successor trustee. Sometimes the person you love is not the right person for the job. Our speakers will identify the eye-opening questions you need to consider and the “red flags” that prompt attorneys to recommend independent fiduciaries to their clients. Zakiya Norton, Esq., Founding Principal Attorney of Norton Basu LLP, will review the basic documents you need and discuss the issues surrounding trustee selection. Then Alan Statman and Anne Marshall, attorneys with the independent fiduciary firm Trust Matters, will share tips on avoiding family conflict and stories from their years of experience helping clients set up, manage, and administer many kinds of trusts. 



Zakiya Norton, Esq.

Zakiya Norton, Esq.
Norton Basu LLP

Zakiya J. Norton is Founding Principal and Managing Partner of the Los Gatos, Santa Clara, and Los Angeles offices of the estate planning law firm Norton Basu LLP. She currently calls the Los Gatos office home and focuses her practice in the areas of estate planning, probate, conservatorships, trust administration, and trust litigation. Zakiya feels strongly about giving back to her community and provides pro-bono hours for Bay Area Legal Aid, Queen’s Bench Bar Association and as a scoring attorney for the Santa Clara County Mock Trial Competition for local high-school students. She also serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the non-profit Cancer CAREpoint.


Alan Statman, Esq. and Anne Marshall, Esq.
Alan Statman, Esq. & Anne Marshall, Esq.
Trust Matters, Independent Fiduciary Services

Alan Statman, Founder and Principal of Trust Matters, received his law degree from UC Berkeley. Over the next 25 years he worked in a professional, fiduciary capacity as chief financial officer and vice president of administration for several businesses in the service sector. Alan acts as trustee or successor trustee for personal trusts including living trusts, special needs trusts, and testamentary trusts. His success in overcoming the challenges of administering trusts for his own family inspired him to found Trust Matters in 2006. 

Anne Marshall, Senior Staff Fiduciary, serves as trustee for revocable and irrevocable trusts and as attorney-in-fact for clients who need assistance with managing their finances. She also oversees staff to ensure trust administration goes smoothly, providing families with confidence and peace of mind. Anne earned her J.D. from the University of San Francisco School of Law. Before joining Trust Matters, she worked in the Hayward City Attorney’s Office, where she administered the city’s rent control program, and on children’s environmental health issues for the State of California. 


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