Mon31Mar 2025

ADNP Program Dissemination Day 2025


ADNP Program Dissemination Day 2025

Coming to you live!

Alumni are invited to join virtually! Come see projects from our ADNP students --- RSVP today


The Anesthesia Doctor of Nursing Practice (ADNP) Program cordially invites you to attend the Dissemination Day for the Class of 2025. This event marks a significant milestone in the doctoral studies of our students, allowing them to present their scholarly work, in accordance with the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA), Graduate Standards (#48).

Our program’s vision is to achieve national recognition as a premier nurse anesthesia program through innovative instruction, a strong foundation in science-based theories, and translational research. Aligned with the standards set by the COA and the position statement of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, our students have deepened their understanding of individuals, families, and communities. They have accomplished this by embracing a holistic perspective and utilizing a translational approach to science.

We look forward to you joining us for this historic event.


Questions? Contact Dianna Heikkila at 


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