Alumni Survey

  • Graduates of SMU 1 and 5 years back across all programs are surveyed.
  • Data collected every year.
  • Online and paper surveys.
  • Implemented, analyzed, and reported by Institutional Research.

Course and Faculty Evaluations (summative)

  • Evaluations across all courses, programs, and campuses at the end of the course.  
  • Data collected every semester.
  • Online forms using Qualtrics Course Evaluation System.
  • Implemented, analyzed, and reported by Institutional Research.

Course and Faculty feedback (formative)

  • Evaluations across all courses, programs, and campuses at the end of the course.  
  • Data collected every semester.
  • Online forms.
  • Inbuilt in Canvas LMS and viewed by course instructors in real-time.

Curriculum Mapping of Learning Outcomes Visualization

  • Linkages and alignments across course, program, and student learning outcomes are collected across all programs.
  • Key assignments and alignments with specialty accreditation standards are collected across all programs.
  • Data are collected or updated after a University Curriculum Committee approval.
  • Structured, analyzed, visualized, and reported by Institutional Research.

Employer Survey

  • Employers of SMU graduates who graduated 1 and 5 years back, across all programs are surveyed.
  • Data collected every year.
  • Online and paper surveys.
  • Implemented, analyzed, and reported by Institutional Research.

Entering Students’ Survey

  • New students in each semester are surveyed across all campuses.
  • Data collected every semester.
  • Online surveys.
  • Implemented, analyzed, and reported by  Admissions.

Facts at a glance (Factsheet)

  • Current summary report of institutional facts - admission, enrollment, demographics, degrees, financial aid, faculty and staff
  • Data collected every year.
  • Analyzed and reported by Institutional Research.

Graduate Exit Employment Survey

  • Graduates surveyed immediately on graduation for employment details
  • Data collected every graduation period.
  • Online surveys.
  • Implemented, analyzed, and reported by Institutional Research.

Institutional Data

  • Detailed five-year trend visualizations of admission, enrollment, degrees, financial aid, faculty, and staff data with data interactions.
  • Data collected every year.
  • Analyzed and reported by Institutional Research.

Regulatory Reporting

  • Program specialty accreditation annual reports.
  • IPEDS data collections.
  • WSCUC annual report.
  • Other annual reports to regulatory agencies.
  • Annual HRSA grant performance reports.
  • Analyzed and reported in collaboration with Institutional Research and other departments.

Predictive Analytics for Student Success

  • New students in each semester are surveyed using a comprehensive tool.
  • Data collected every semester.
  • Online surveys.
  • Implemented by Admissions.
  • Statistically modeled and reported by Institutional Research.

Predictive Analytics for Student Success for Licensure Results

  • Admissions data and HESI exam results are modeled to predict student first-time success in licensing exams.
  • Models identify which applicant or enrolled student is likely to pass on the first attempt.
  • Statistically modeled and reported by Institutional Research.

Student Satisfaction Survey

  • All enrolled students are surveyed across all campuses.
  • Data collected every year.
  • Online surveys.
  • Administered, analyzed, and reported by Institutional Research.

Student Success Measures

  • Collected across all identified indicators from various data sources.
  • Data collected every year.
  • Analyzed and reported by Institutional Research.