Safety and Security
Welcome to your one-stop shop for information and resources about campus safety, incident reporting, and occupational injuries.
SMU campuses are located in metropolitan areas, and while we work hard at keeping our community safe and secure, things can happen. We encourage you to be alert and if you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.
Do you have an incident, hazard, or safety concern to report? Use the tab below to submit a report.
Health and Safety Incident Report Form
*For reporting occupational injuries, please see the Occupational Injuries expandable tab below for instructions.
Oakland Campus
Sacramento Campus
San Francisco Peninsula Campus
Fresno Campus
All work-related injuries or illnesses require reporting, regardless of severity, as soon as reasonably possible; within 24 hours.
Faculty and Staff: Reporting instructions and forms are located on the Report an Injury page of SMU Connect.
Students in clinical: Immediately report your injury to your SMU program leadership or clinical faculty. Once reported, forms and additional guidance will be provided.
R.A.C.E. Emergency Response
Drop wherever you are on your hands and knees. If you're in a wheelchair or walker with a seat, make sure your wheels are locked and remain seated until the shaking stops.
Cover your head and neck with your arms. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter. Stay on your knees or bent over to protect vital organs.
If you are under a table or desk, hold on with one hand and be ready to move with it if it moves. If you can't find a table or desk, cover your head and neck with both arms and hands. If seated, and unable to drop to the floor, bend forward, cover your head with your arms, and hold on to your neck with both hands.
Active Shooter/Violence
* This is not designed to be sequential
* Always CALL 911 when it is safe to do so
*Do not pull the fire alarm during an active shooter
Bomb Threat
If a bomb threat is received by phone:
If a bomb threat is received by note:
If you discover a bomb or suspicious package:
Suspicious Person
If you encounter a suspicious person:
Signs of Suspicious Person or Activity
Power Outage
The purpose of Emergency Preparedness is to develop, organize, coordinate and lead the campus toward effective preparation for, and efficient response to, emergencies and disasters with the primary focus on saving lives, reducing human suffering and the minimizing of property loss and academic services.
Have a Plan
Some emergencies have a recognizable build-up period in which preparedness actions can be taken, but many do not. Plan for emergencies now by:
Prepare a Personal Emergency Supply Kit
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.8255
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Oakland Campus
Sacramento Campus
San Francisco Peninsula Campus
Fresno Campus
Our Oakland and Sacramento campuses offer security escort services to and from buildings.
Oakland Campus
Sacramento Campus
Each year, SMU offers a variety of educational programming to promote awareness of safety, crime prevention, and sexual misconduct and violence. These include:
Our Safety and Security Team has a few safety suggestions:
To decrease the chances of vehicle break-ins or other criminal activity, do not leave valuables exposed in your car and use recommended/authorized parking areas or shuttle services
Stay alert and walk briskly with your head up and shoulders back; criminals look for easy marks, such as people who are slouched over, preoccupied, or fumbling with items
Look around the parking lot and your vehicle for suspicious people. If you notice suspicious behavior, remove yourself from the area and inform security or the police immediately
Walk with others when possible to ensure that each person arrives safely to their vehicle
Walk in well-lit areas and be aware of noises and movement
Have your keys in your hand, ready to open your vehicle
Look into your vehicle’s front and rear seats before entering
If someone approaches your vehicle inquiring about directions, do not open your door or roll down your window
If you are alone after dark, ask security to escort you to your vehicle
Visit the links below for helpful tips, news, and upcoming events. Be sure to follow these local resources on all social media platforms for real-time updates during an emergency.
Oakland Campus
Sacramento Campus
San Francisco Peninsula Campus
Fresno Campus
Who should I call if I need escort service to my car after dark?
We encourage you to use this service during the winter months when it gets darker earlier.
I just saw a suspicious-looking person lurking in the parking lot? Who should I call?
Do not approach the person on your own. The situation should be handled by a security professional.
Note: Save these numbers in your cell phone to use while on campus in case of an emergency.
Someone who does not appear to be a University employee or student is in my work area. How should I approach them?
Simply ask them, how can I help you? If the person has a legitimate reason for being in your area, they will likely tell you. If the person should not be there, they will at least know that someone is aware of their presence in the building and will likely leave. Do not ignore strangers in the building. If you feel this person is a threat, please contact Security or local law enforcement.
Someone just fell down the stairs in our building. They appear to be hurt badly. Should I call Security or 911?
Call 911 immediately for any accident where serious injury is apparent. The person may require immediate medical attention. After calling 911, call Facilities at 510.907.2438 and we will notify Security so that a report can be filed.
Some of my belongings are missing from my room/office. Who should I notify?
Call Security or SMU Administration. They will notify the police to file a report. In addition, please notify Facilities so that we are kept in the communication loop. In the event of computer/laptop theft, call the IT/Helpdesk Ext. 2555.
What if I encounter an ICE representative?
Request official identification and ask for documentation outlining the purpose of their visit.
Do not provide information or access without proper authorization.
Immediately photograph and forward any identification and warrant details to Risk Management, Safety, and Security, at securityandsafety@samuelmerrit.edu. This will be reported to the University General Counsel.
Our General Counsel is authorized to manage the situation on SMU's behalf and will assess the request, determine the appropriate legal response, and ensure that SMU complies with all applicable laws while protecting the rights and privacy of our community members.
The SMU Alert System delivers critical information to our community members by phone, email, and text. You are automatically enrolled in this service, and you may add or update your information at any time.
SMU Alert DetailsThe Student Catalog and Handbook contains several sections related to safety on campus, including our code of conduct, policies on discrimination and harassment, and reporting procedures.