Professional Enrichment Day 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Three years of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken effects on all of us personally and professionally. The aftermath has effected both our mental and physical health and changed our ways of socialization and work. Individually we are processing and centering in a new normal, all the while being present for our students and others at the University.
2023 Professional Enrichment Day focuses on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at a Healthcare University level engaging trauma informed care so to help SMU faculty and staff support SMU students by ways of best practice.
Breakout sessions will focus on SMU Veterans students, and LGBTQ+ communities.
See expandable below for sign-in and sign-out.
Opening by
Dr. Catherine Tanner
FDC Chair
Provost Brian Clocksin
Wellness Check
Dr. Alice Vestergaard
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
Provost Brian Clocksin
Dr. Patricia Nabal, DNP, BS, FNP, RN-BC
About Dr. Nabal
Preview to Breakout sessions / Break
Lunch in the Atrium - available to in person attendees who submitted RSVP.
Veteran Community, HEC-311
Erica Silvestre, Director of Military and Veterans Success Center
LGBTQ+ Community, Bechtel Room
Sam Alavi-Irvine, Director of Center for Community Engagement
Vivie Nguyen, Assistant Chief of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Repeat sessions above.
Wrap Up
Dr. Cynthia Stacy
Dr. Catherine Tanner
FDC Chair
Provost Brian Clocksin and President Ching-Hua Wang
Transitions to Town Hall
President Ching-Hua Wang
The Faculty Development Committee is pleased to offer continuing education units to nursing and occupational therapy attendees at this event. If you wish to receive CEUs for attendance at Professional Enrichment Day, please complete the “sign in” and “sign out” surveys for your respective profession. To receive CEUs, you will be required to complete the feedback surveys at the end of the day. Your certificates will be emailed to you within 90 days after the event.
Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 11258, for 5.0 contact hours. Attendance at this event is free of charge.