Kickstart the Fall semester with innovative pedagogical approaches and strategies that integrate emerging academic technologies, AI, and cultural humility. Engage in hands-on activities and gather practical ideas to make your year more engaging, creative, and successful. 

Scroll down for information about Continuing Education Units

Program Agenda 

8:30 Morning – coffee, tea, and pastries

Welcome and A&II introductions and announcements

9:00 Workshop:  Promoting and Equalizing Participation in Class

Watch the recording.


Getting students to participate in class can feel like an impossible challenge some days. In this workshop, explore some of the reasons students do not participate and a variety of techniques to reduce barriers and improve conversation. Learn techniques that help equalize participation so there aren’t just a few voices dominating discussions. Faculty will be encouraged to contribute their own ideas and experiences to the workshop.


  1. Identify barriers to participation.
  2. Choose one technique to improve interactions that they will apply in the next week.
  3. Identify one strategy for encouraging participation in their class.
  4. Discuss strategies for equalizing participation in class.


10:00 Add Creativity to Learning: Create Interactive Activities in Your Class

Watch the recording.


Find ways to help your students become more involved with learning. Discover how tools that are available to you can be used to make learning more interactive, engaging, creative, and fun. Explore the possibilities for using Poll Everywhere in class for ice breakers, surveys, knowledge checks, competitions and more. Discover how VoiceThread can make discussions and presentations more engaging with multimedia including images, audio, and video in addition to text. 


  1. Identify at least 3 benefits for using interactive technology tools.
  2. Identify at least 3 ways Poll Everywhere activities can be shared.
  3. Identify at least 3 ways a VoiceThread activity can be used
  4. Create at least 1 Poll Everywhere activity.
  5. Create at least 1 VoiceThread activity.  


11:00 Workshop: Give your students better feedback in less time using Gen AI and Panopto


Learn how to provide personalized, timely, and compassionate student feedback and correspondence using AI and academic technology.


  1. Learn how to use Google Gemini to craft rubrics and personalized feedback.
  2. Provide compassionate feedback.
    Add Canvas SpeedGader for audio and video feedback.
  3. Post, reply, and easily access timestamped Comments in Panopto.


12:00 Lunch 

12:30 to 2:00 Q&A and chat with A&II

For information about this event please reach out to A&II at:

Academic and Instructional Innovation is pleased to offer continuing education units to nursing and occupational therapy attendees at this event. If you wish to receive CEUs for attendance at the "Reimagine Teaching: Enhance your Teaching Toolkit" A&II event, please complete the workshop surveys (one for each workshop), the event survey, and the event attestation forms. Certificates will be emailed to you within 90 days after the event.

Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 11258, for 3.0 contact hours. Attendance at this event is free of charge.