17th Annual Spring Scholarship Symposium
May 18th, 2023
9:00am to 11:30am
The Office of Academic Affairs and Faculty Development Committee invites you to the 17th Spring Scholarship Symposium. The 2023 symposium will feature in-person podium presentations with a Zoom broadcast.
Goals of the SMU Spring Scholarship Symposium
- Bring together SMU scholars from various professions
- Share innovative ideas and practices
- Promote collaboration between scholars
- Prepare for presenting at external professional conferences
- Develop scholarship of discovery, integration, teaching and learning, and application / service
- Nurture a community of scholarship within Samuel Merritt University
Program Agenda
9:00 - 9:15
Opening Remarks
Catherine Tanner, DNP, APRN, FNPC
Chair of Faculty Development Committee '22-23
Welcome Remarks
Michael Negrete, PharmD
Assistant Academic VP, Academic Affairs
9:15 to 9:35
Exploring the Relationship between Pre-Admission Grade Point Averages and Occupational Therapy Program Outcomes
Scholarship of Discovery
- Robyn Wu, MS, OTD, OTR/L, BCP*. Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Samuel Merritt University
- Jason Straub, BS Ed, M Ed, MS Statistics*. Associate Director, Institutional Research and Evaluation, Samuel Merritt University
Learning Outcomes:
- Describe a process for using program outcomes to inform decisions regarding admissions criteria.
- Identify how program outcomes data could be used to guide actions for supporting student success.
9:35am to 9:55
Peripheral Arterial Disease Health Literacy and Learning Preferences in a Chinese-Speaking Population: A Preliminary Survey Study
Scholarship of application / service
- Peter Luo, BS*
- Anne Thomas, BS*
- Alex Chen, BS*
- Sarah Hassan, BS
- Tiffany Lee, BS
- Hoanganh Chau, BS
- Nayeli Fernandez, BS
- Chia-Ding Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
Learning Outcomes:
- Recognize the most widely accessible methods to communicate health information to Chinese-speaking elderly populations.
- Recognize the baseline knowledge of peripheral arterial disease in Chinese-speaking general populations.
- Relate our findings for the development of cultural-, age-, and population-appropriate learning material to improve health literacy in peripheral arterial disease.
9:55 to 10:15
Next 10 Exits: Reflections on Race and Resilience in Vallejo, California
Scholarship in Progress
- Elizabeth Ching, OTD, M.Ed., BSOT, OTR/L.; Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy Department, Samuel Merritt University
Learning Outcomes:
- Name why Vallejo was named the most diverse city according to the 2010 U.S. Census.
- Discuss how cultural pride can build resilience.
10:15 to 10:25 Break
10:25 to 10:45
Trafficking, Sexual Violence and Healthcare Workers
Scholarship of Application/ Service
- Campbell, Shelitha R., DNP, MSN, BSN, APRN, FNP-BC, PHN; Assistant Professor Nursing Workforce Diversity Program Director; Co-Director FNP Program Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Program
- Sarah Koster, FNP, MSN, MPH*. Assistant Professor, ELMSN Program, Community Health, College of Nursing
- Sam Alavi-Irvine, MA. Founding Director, Center for Community Engagement
- Jeneva Gularte-Rinaldo, PhD, RN. Assistant Professor, BSN Program; Community Health CCE; EHI Faculty Fellow, College of Nursing
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the impact population health and community partnership can have on learning outcomes in the pre-licensure program.
- Reflect on alternative educational approaches to close the gap in student knowledge as it relates to the global health crisis of human trafficking
10:45 to 11:05
Plaque reduction assay and Coronaviruses
Scholarship of Discovery
- Kent Chau, Research Associate SRI International
- Thanh-Thuy Tran, Research Associate SRI International
- Mary Premenko-Lanier*, Associate Professor, SMU Department of Basic Science; Research Scientist SRI International
Learning Outcomes:
- Different Coronaviruses have different MOI for lung epithelial cells in vitro.
- Remdesivir has different EC50 values for different Coronaviruses.
11:05 to 11:25
Primary Health Prevention-A Nursing Senior Synthesis Transition to Practice Experience
Scholarship of application/ Service
- Uzo Nwankpa, DNP, MSN-PH, RN*. Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Senior Synthesis Nursing Instructor, College of Nursing Samuel Merritt University
- *Julie Hey, BSN*. Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Senior Synthesis Nursing Student, College of Nursing Samuel Merritt University
- Colleen Carvalho, MA, LMFT, BSN. Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Senior Synthesis Nursing Student, College of Nursing Samuel Merritt University
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will learn the steps taken to implement a population health preventative education health fair for K-5 students.
- Participants will discuss the results of including a community/public health nursing clinical experience in the senior synthesis course.
11:25 to 11:30
Closing of Symposium Remarks and Raffle
11:30 - 1:00
Faculty Luncheon
Lunch provided to RSVP’d attendees will bridge to the Faculty Org meeting. Come for the interest and learning, and stay for the camaraderie and raffle!
1:00 - 2:30
Faculty Org Meeting
Continuing Education Units
The Faculty Development Committee is pleased to offer CEUs to nursing and occupational therapy professionals. If you wish to receive CEUs for attendance at the Spring Scholarship Symposium, please complete the “sign in” and “sign out” surveys for your respective profession. Your certificates will be emailed to you within 90 days after the event.
Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 11258, for 3 contact hours. Attendance at this event is free of charge.
For your portfolio, please refer to the statement of goals provided above. Session-specific learning outcomes are provided below with the agenda. To receive CEUs, you will be required to complete the Feedback Survey at the end of the symposium.